Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Timing it to perfection....

 * Warning - this is a geeky data post, so for those of you that are not that way inclined, look away now.

This is an awesome graph to show a max HR. Not only does it clearly peak you can see me flatlining it and holding on.... I can tell you it hurts.

I've never seen such a clear flatline like that before in my data.... and never seen that blue line up over 60km/hr either... I can say I am giving it everything.  And again, the faithful Koiled train of Duggan and Edwards keeps our record intact.  I am certain that not only would I have been slower without him (obvious!) I would also have not pushed so hard.  Definitely brings out my best riding.

What a great time to be posting PBs of any kind.  Come on Italy!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Simply spectaular data...frame it...hang on it is framed. You sure are in the game frame.....enviable data....the good envy...you are gettin' m'fer fast! And strong. Strong AS.
Miff ;-x